
Wordless Wednesday


the striped rose said...



DebMc said...

We went through a rocket phase and had a blast. pun intended lol) Since I was a child and teen during the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs, I think I had more fun with the rockets than the boys did.
Great photos!

farmnwife said...

The boys would love that.

sleepy jeanne said...

Ooh, how fun!

Unknown said...

Awesome! Blast off.... this is one of the things I miss about having girls. Neither seems interested in stuff like this.


Meliss said...

My kids would love it too! Fun!

Skeller said...

Oooh! Awesome! I'll have to bring my boys back to see this :-)

Lindsey said...

My kids have been begging to do a rocket! They look like such fun that I just might give in on this one!

Riada (Lindsey)

Katy said...

My boys are drooling!!

Mrs. Mungo said...

So cool!!

Lisa~ said...

That brings back memoreis of when my son was a little younger...

Very fun!


Barb said...

We haven't done rockets in a long time. We are now "into" RC helicopters.

Love your new look on your blog,
Barb-Harmony Art Mom

Anonymous said...

My dc made rockets for 4-H, and they plan to set all of them off some day--this looks fun!

Love the new format!
