
Wordless Wednesday


Meliss said...

The cat is going to make me yawn! Great shot!

Lisa said...

Thanks! I know, it's sad isn't it when just looking a pic of a cat yawning makes you yawn! I had to fight off the yawns while posting. It's just that time of year.

Daisy said...

Hey, it made me yawn, too. Weird.

my5wolfcubs said...

An action photo! Garfield's got nothing on that cat! :)
Lee (from the WTM board)

Lisa~ said...

Yawn..... ok now Im sleepy... *Ü* well, then again if cats could laugh.... he is belly laughing. *Ü*


Lisa said...

Well, Lisa, if he's laughing, it must have been quite a joke! Perhaps he just visited the site "stuffonmycat.com" and was greatly amused.

ZePuKa said...


Mama Peep said...

You are fast with the camera there. Great shot!

Patricia in WA

Happy WW