
Away She Goes

Around lunch time today the truck came to gather up our van we donated to the National Kidney foundation. Kidney cars, as they are called, are taken to an auto auction house. The Kidney Foundation uses the money from the sale and the person donating the vehicle takes a tax write-off in the amount the car sells for. It is a good deal all around. Any progress the foundation can make towards helping people with kidney disease is wonderful.

My brother Tom is a kidney dialysis patient. The treatment saves his life, yet burdens him with a tremendous time commitment hooked up to the machine as well as a cycle of feeling some better after a treatment, then lousy the day before another one. I pray, and hope you will join me, that new treatments will be found and new ways will be discovered to both protect our kidneys and help them to heal when they are damaged. I'm sure Tom would appreciate your prayers as well.

Winching the van onto the truck

The donated vehicle that was on the flatbed when he pulled in becomes a tow-behind to make room for the van

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

Praying here for your brother and for better treatments for kidney patients.