
Summer's Best

Lazy days spent paddling up an inlet of a lake, these are the times Earle and I look forward to in the summer. We strap on the canoe and head out for the day.

Paddling up an algae-covered inlet. Our clear path left in the wake soon closed up behind us until we were surrounded by a carpet of green.

The yellow water lillies were all in buds, waiting to open.

A flotilla of turtles hovers near the bank of another inlet.

A stray bobber attracts a passenger.


Anonymous said...

"Oh, the places you'll go!"

Can't wait to do it again!

Vanessa said...

lovely day! That's one of the first things we did when we got home- take the Charles River for a spin. Great photos, too. I love the flotilla of turtles!

DebMc said...

Canoeing...I've never been on one, can you believe it? Recently, we saw a couple canoeing at the Nature Center where we go to hike. Calm, peaceful, serene....Oh, I wanted to be out there with them. I'm on a quest to find someone to take dh and I out for a spin (float?) Perhaps we will celebrate our anniversary this month with a canoe purchase. Or Christmas, maybe?

LOL, you've fed the fire!