
Surprise Visitors

Savannah Jade rolling snakes and making snails

At 10:30 AM I answered the phone. Earle's brother Russell was at the other end. "Hi, do you want some visitors today? We're about three hours away right now. " Russell, his son, daughter-in-law, and grand daughter live in Michigan and were just returning home via New York from a trip to Maine. They arrived mid-afternoon and I had the pleasure of meeting my great niece for the first time! What a sweetheart she is.

The delicate hands of a future artist

I gave them a tour around the house and her eyes grew very large as we entered the studio. I'm not sure she was expecting her great auntie to be a painter. She wants to be an artist. A girl after my own heart.

Earle flew in from a business trip yesterday around dinner time. Russell and I picked him up at the airport and we all chatted over some Chinese take-out. Then, they were on their way. Such a
nice surprise.


Anonymous said...

She is a sweetie. I was glad they waited until I got home, so I could see them all.


Meridith Emilie said...

I'm jealous, I still haven't met Carol or Savannah!