
A Tale of Three Bad Kittens

These "Three Little Kittens" lounge on the rug-covered, heated, tile floor by the door all morning warming their plump bellies and dreaming of chasing what's just outside.

Clockwise from the left: Truffle, Percy, Daisy Mae.

Outside the door a small flock of juncos picks at the fallen thistle seed from the feeder above.

But what's this, mommy? Why have you teased us so by putting safflower seed right near the door, disturbing our slumber?!

"My, what a fat little sparrow you are and my, what big teeth we have. Will you walk into my parlor?"

Moral of the story: Cats who live in glass houses can only dream of catching birds.


Vanessa said...

soooo cute! What a great photo, too.


I found your blog because we both like "How Should We Then Live?". And there on your list of favorite books was "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" which, while not a favorite of mine, I have nonetheless read and enjoyed - if enjoyed is the right word.
And then I see "The Matrix" AND "Mary Poppins" in your movies! Wow! Me too on both of these!
I also blog about my family and my cats. And while I don't write about art, I do enjoy it and like your "Pregnant Trees".
My wife scrapbooks and views it as the art of life. I will link to your blog and be back!

Barb said...

Such a tale of three kitties....you can almost hear what they are thinking. Our cat sat at the back glass door with a dead bird in her mouth waiting for us to open the door so she could come in and have a birdie snack. I don't think so....she ended up making a feather mess just outside the door.

Love cats and their tales...
Barb-Harmony Art Mom

ZePuKa said...

Haha! That's grand!